A Pool Tea Party!

Now that school is out, we are all looking for some summer fun to keep our kids entertained and happy. We have a pool and it gets hot where we live, so I am always trying to come up with some pool-time, fun-filled activities for my kids and their friends. My daughter wants to have a few friends over so I decided to surprise them with a Pool Tea Party! I have such fond memories of childhood tea parties with my best friend, complete with our “tea” (Kool-aid) and “crumpets” (cookies or lil’ PB&J sandwiches). I don’t want to make this too complicated but I do want the girls to have a wonderful afternoon so here’s what I am planning:

I found cute cupcakes on notquitenigella.com. These sweets are mimicked after the little cakes Alice eats in the Disney movie Alice in Wonderland. They are super cute and not too complicated so I am going to make these for the girls. We will have lemonade and sweet tea to fill their teacups and I’ll have some of their favorite candies and salty snacks in some cute pastel-colored bowls.

I initially decided on the tea party theme because I saw this amazing Tea Cup Spinner inflatable pool toy. Where was this when I was a kid? Modeled after the popular Mad Hatter Tea Party ride at Disneyland, this tea cup (with a little help from mom or friends) will provide hours of spinning fun. What child doesn’t love to spin? Adding in the coolness of the pool makes this ride that much better. I can’t wait to surprise the girls with this. They will love it!  I know my boys will initially make fun of the girliness of this pool toy but I’ll bet you anything they will be taking their own wild spin in this gigantic tea cup!

While snooping around on our ToySplash website for other pool toys that would be cute for this party, I happened upon these Water Dancers Disney Princess dolls. My daughter and her friends will love these dolls that spin on the surface of the water. So, while some girls are taking their turn in the teacup, the others can be playing with these sweet dolls. I’m starting to detect a spinning theme here…..

When everyone has had enough of spinning in the teacup and playing with the spinning dolls, we are all going to enjoy watching the Disney classic – Alice in Wonderland. With just a little imagination and some great pool toys, I am hoping to create some lasting childhood memories for these girls just like I have mine from back in the day!