Gearing Up for Fall Sports

With the school year fast approaching–or already in full swing, it’s time to be gearing up for fall sports.  Do you not have a football field in your backyard?  No volleyball court in your living room?  Move the fun to the pool and practice up for team tryout!

With the Geyser Pool Football, your little quarterbacks can stay cool while they toss the ball around in the afternoon.  They can practice their throwing and catching skills without endangering your lamps and windows.  What a great way to prep them for tryouts!

Volleyball is such a family favorite that it’s worth investing in some good water volleyball equipment.  Teach the youngest how to play the game and let the older kids practice their skills.  And all the while, it’s fun everyone can have together.  The Anaconda Pool Volleyball System is a leader in pool volleyball fun.  With a lifetime guarantee and quality construction, you can enjoy this volleyball set for years to come.

So splash into fall sports and make back to school just a little bit cooler!