Kids vs Adults Water War

Kids love to play with one another, but what often makes their day is when the grownups play, too.  This is especially true in the case of water wars and squirt gun fights.  But you’re a grownup, so why should you be limited to kids’ toys?  Challenge the kids to a water war, but bring your own equipment.  While they’re taking shots at you with tiny water guns that run out of water, arm yourself with something a little more grown up.  The Stream Shifter Water Gun is the ultimate in water war equipment.

So, go ahead, initiate a Kids vs Adults Water war!  You can shoot four bursts of water per second and douse the kiddies with ease.  This is a great way to wear out little ones during a slumber party.  Play chase and water war and by the time you’re ready to relax with some tv or a good book, the little party animals will be crashed out.